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The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to determine the terms and conditions regarding the use of the website (“Portal”) located at https://www.cabralocaturkiye.com, managed by Cabra Loca Coffee Joint Gıda İşletmeciliği ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi (“Cabra Loca” or “Company”). The definitions in the Terms of Use shall be taken into account in interpreting expressions not defined in this Privacy Policy. Users will be deemed to have accepted this Privacy Policy upon accepting the Terms of Use.

Cabra Loca continuously invests in technology and renews itself with innovative product and service applications to provide better service to its Users in the field of the internet.

Cabra Loca has the right to associate the behavior of Users visiting the site with a cookie stored in the browser for online behavioral advertising and marketing purposes and to define remarketing lists based on metrics such as the number of pages viewed, visit duration, and goal completion count. Later, targeted advertising content may be shown to these Users on the Portal or other sites in the Display Advertising Network according to their interests.

During the redirection of Google AFS ads to Cabra Loca, Google may place cookies in Users' browsers, read cookies stored in them, or use web beacons to collect information.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

Cabra Loca may update and change the provisions of this Privacy Policy at any time by publishing them on the Portal. The updates and changes made by Cabra Loca to the Privacy Policy will be effective as of the date they are published on the Portal.

Cabra Loca shall not be held responsible in the event that the User does not provide up-to-date information.